Building plot
92,000 square meters of commercial space surrounded by 54,000 square meters of greenery. Find out how your company can join our sustainable science park.
Blue Economy
Ostend Science Park focuses on companies that are active in the blue economy, but what does it stand for?
Office & flex space rental
Need space? Check here our offer : from co-working space to fully equiped office
Blue Career Day 2022
The job fair for blue talent! Economisch Huis Oostende, Bluebridge and partners are organizing a 3rd edition of the Blue Career Day in Ostend. Companies active in the blue economy meet students and job seekers/workers in their search for talent!
Meetings, events & seminars
Looking for a nice spot for your next event?
Latest news

Everyone happy with the blue economy?
Based on sound scientific methods, UGent researchers and partners want to develop a toolbox that allows dialogue with citizens. By involving residents and tourist in our changing coastline, we create a basis of support for the often complex offshore projects such as coastal protection, blue food, port activities and coastal tourism. In this way, we aim to promote sustainable, economic activities that contribute to the transition of the Coastal Region.
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Helicopter view on green hydrogen
Succesfull event on green hydrogen at Bluebridge, with opening words from federal minister of energy Tinne Van der Straeten
More than 100 industry experts and scientist gathered at Bluebridge to discuss future opportunities and challenges for green hydrogen.
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